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CONSTANCE SAWYER Drawing & Photographs Inquire for price information Shop Now


About Us

Our Introduction

Connie began her working career in the summer of 1972 as Secretary to the Acton Funeral Department. She learned a great deal.

Ms. Sawyer moved to NYC to study filmmaking (in the time of 16mm film and overnight delivery). In the early 80’s she got
herself hired as an electric production assistant and then passed the exam to become a union film electrician.
She worked on several Mickey Roarke films of the late 80’s.

Constance Sawyer Artwork

Artist Statement

Connie Sawyer

My drawings reach back to childhood memories from the 60’s and early 70’s mashed with over 30 years as a landscape designer and builder. This amalgamation has created an insistent response I express by making art. 

Growing up in that time meant you were suddenly bombarded by the sounds and imagery everywhere, starting with the newest entertainer and equalizer, that boxy TV that took place of honor in our living rooms. I was exposed to the horrors of the Vietnam war, while at the same time to the new expressions of art. Incredible music erupted and flowed like lava. There were images and there was color, loads of bright colors. Life Magazine’s spread of Jimi Hendrix in full blue psychedelic regalia looking very cool lined the walls of my room. When he died, I
talked to those images for hours.